
Buku Pocket Book of Daily English Phrases

Identitas Buku:

Judul: Pocket Book of Daily English Phrases: Accompany You Learning English  2nd Edition

Penulis: Leriyanto Putra Said, dkk

Editor: Istikomah, M.Hum

Cetakan: Pertama, Maret 2021

ISBN: 978-623-97443-1-1

Jumlah halaman: 70 halaman

Penerbit: Yayasan Nuansa Panji Insani bekerjasama dengan Flash English Club – STAI Sadra Jakarta

Harga buku: Rp.55.000.-

Kontak WA: +62 838-1932-3485


It is a practical guidance for students in particular and society in general. What’s interesting in this book that it is written by senior students of STFI Sadra. They are writing their own experience in acquiring English skills, notably in increasing vocabulary, phrases and expressions which are mostly used in daily life.

The book is designed on the basis of familiarity and frequency level of use of phrases as well as personalized approach. Thus, selected issues (notion) in specific settings are taken into account as well as texts which are genuinely created by the students in accordance with their own experience and knowledge to produce real life stories and language use. The issues

example: among other things are; Daily life, Campus life, Dormitory life, including today’s issue about Covid-19 and online zoom classes.

Additionally, this book is organized into three major parts with more issues extended: 1.

Preceded by daily expressions, 2. Then completed by related vocabulary, 3. Finally

contextualized in the short story. The presentation as such is intended to arm learners with sufficient exposure of real life phrases in developing their vocabulary.

Finally, the presentation of this pocket book is expected to meet their needs in improving their English as well as can enriched their references in advancing their wider vocabulary, phrases and expression in English.[]

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